Friday night and we were back at The Old Post Office in Shrewsbury. We always get a great reaction here, although, as we were setting up, we were discussing the fact that the crowd was a little thinner than usual. Not to worry, it’s halfway through January, people still awaiting their first pay day of the year, so all we can do is get on and give those people present the best new year gig we can.



We shouldn’t have worried. As we started playing the pub filled up until it was as packed as usual. We really love playing at the OPO and look forward with relish to our next visit on 16 May.

Saturday had the potential to go very wrong. After being approached by the landlord of The Britannia in Shrewsbury about 6 months ago to play in his pub, we didn’t speak to him again until we turned up – a rookie error. It seems the landlady had also booked an act for the evening, although she had been unable to get in touch with him to confirm his gig. As it turned out, both acts turned up…

Double bookings happen from time to time and how you respond to the challenge determines how the evening (and any future gig) goes. Our attitude was simple – as long as he was happy with the idea, we’d play alternate sets. He was, and so our first gig alongside an Elvis impersonator kicked off.

The Britannia

The Britannia

It meant we had to trim our set down a little and, as a result, the usual momentum was lost somewhat, but the audience didn’t mind – they were getting two for the price of one!

To top it all off, Elvis (actually also called Ed) joined us for one of our last numbers, getting into the spirit by grabbing a succession of hats and even the monkey mask.

Elvis Loses The Plot

Elvis Loses The Plot

We’re back at The Britannia in October.

This Friday we’re off to Aberyswyth again for a couple of nights at Rummers before we take the whole month of February off. With the exception of Christmas, we’ve been going non-stop for the last year, so we decided to have a few weekends off to recharge our batteries in order to come back refreshed. We will be meeting up during this time, however, in order to put some new material in the set. March should see a revitalised Lost The Plot!

Thanks to Patrick Larkin for the photos and, as usual, keep track of us on Facebook, Twitter and our website.